Our Process

Revolutionize Open Enrollment in 60 Minutes or Less!

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5 Easy Steps


Complete your Intake Form

Our intake form captures the important details surrounding your benefit offer and provides a place to upload your benefit summaries and SBC’s.  Using this detailed information our skilled team curates the script to craft your Enrollment Meeting on Demand.


Join a brief screen share

We play nice with all enrollment platforms, we schedule a short zoom meeting to record your actual enrollment process so we can illustrate, narrate and annotate so employees can see EXACTLY how to complete their election process step-by-step.


Capture the backdrop photo of your choice for your EMOD video

Pulling a photo from the web, or quickly snapping a photo that communicates your company brand and build a familiar place to “conduct” your virtual enrollment meeting is easy, with an iPhone quality photo in landscape format you’re off to the races!


Make your selections

You’re pick your own style from our diverse offering of benefit posters, text & email formats, benefit hub style, and video assets from our benefit library.. in just a few minutes you check off and select what feels best for you and your team


Upload employee phone and email addresses

From here, our skillful team is developing your benefit hub, editing your Enrollment Meeting on Demand™, pulling it all together, once ready we review, make any final tweaks and you’re ready to launch!

“We actually had fun with the selections process, it was as easy as checking off your favorite sushi rolls at your favorite local spot, we uploaded a zip file of all our benefit summaries, a company photo from the web, made our choices and in a flash a new path to open enrollment was ready.”

Abby Brusco SMC